2 件
2024年10月22日 19時50分
On October 13, singer and actor Takuya Kimura held a concert at Yokohama Arena, marking his first nationwide tour in two and a half years. The tour will include eight performances across five cities. Kimura performed 21 songs, including a medley, with a focus on tracks from his latest album "SEE YOU THERE." The energy in the venue soared as he began with the opening line, "Everybody!" The 15,000-strong crowd, known as the Crew, erupted with cheers as Kimura greeted them with a smile, saying, "It's been a while!" This marked Kimura's first solo performance at Yokohama Arena since 1995. Reflecting on the event, he said with a playful tone, "I never thought I would get to do my own live show here. It's incredibly exciting." Midway through the concert, Sanma Akashiya, who wrote the lyrics for "Born ready" and "Menu," made a surprise appearance. Sanma Akashiya is one of the most famous comedians in Japan. Akashiya greeted the crowd with, "Thank you for always supporting Kimura," and humorously teased him, saying, "You really like showing your shoulders, don't you?" The segment also included filming for next year's New Year special of Fuji TV's "SanTaku," featuring Kimura and Akashiya. During a segment where Kimura covered theme songs from his starring works, he performed Tatsuro Yamashita's "RECIPE," the theme song for "Grand Maison Tokyo”which is a drama starring Takuya Kimura. He also sang SMAP's hits "Dynamite" and "KANSHA Shite." This concert was the first one since 2020 where fans were allowed to vocalize their excitement. Responding to shouts of "Takuya!" and "We've missed you!" Kimura expressed his gratitude, saying, "Standing here again makes me feel like it's okay for me to be doing this. It's because of the Crew that I am able to be here." He encouraged his fans, "No matter what happens, hold your head high. If you all hold your heads high, I can too. Let's keep lifting each other up, Captain and Crew."
2024年10月14日 04時00分
歌手で俳優の木村拓哉が13日、2年半ぶりとなる全国ツアーの横浜アリーナ公演を行った。全国5都市で8公演を行う。最新アルバム「SEE YOU THERE」の収録曲を中心にメドレーを含む全21曲を歌唱。「Everybody!」の第一声で会場のボルテージは一気に最高潮に。「久しぶり!踏み込んだね、皆望んだ場所へ」と笑顔を見せると1万5000人のCrew(ファンの総称)が歓声を上げた。 同所の公演は1995年以来29年ぶり。ソロは初で「自分のライブをここでやらせてもらえると思ってなかった。非常にテンション爆上がり」とちゃめっ気たっぷりに語った。 中盤には「Born ready」「メニュー」の作詞を務めた明石家さんまがサプライズで登場した。「いつも木村がお世話になっております」とあいさつ。「肩出すの好きやな~」と木村をいじるなどさんま節をさく裂させた。来年新春放送のフジテレビ「さんタク」の収録も行われた。 主演作品の主題歌をカバーするコーナーでは「グランメゾン東京」の主題歌で山下達郎の「RECIPE」などを披露。SMAPの「ダイナマイト」「KANSHAして」も歌唱した。 声出しできるライブは20年以来。「拓哉!」「会いたかった!」などの歓声に「改めてこういう場に立たせていただくと、俺やっていいんだなと感じ取ることができます」と語り、「Crewがいてくれるからこそ俺がここにいることができる」と感謝。ファンに「普段どんなことがあっても胸張ってください。皆が胸張っていたら俺も胸張ってやっていける。Captain&Crew、お互いに胸の張り合いしていこうじゃありませんか」と強く語りかけた。